For many families, an assisted living facility is the last resort. Loved ones have done everything in their power to keep the individual at home, but the need for greater resources and care has made living in these communities the better alternative. The care offered by professionals at these centers is vital to your loved one's health, but your interaction is equally important. Make sure you are staying involved.
Why Is Family Involvement Important?
A suggestion to remain active in your loved one's life isn't something that just sounds good. It is a critical part of keeping your loved one healthy, both mentally and physically. In terms of mental health, this lets them know they aren't alone. Living in a center away from home can make someone feel like they're going through life on their own.
Your willingness to take the time to even sit and chat with them can speak volumes about your involvement. Visits also help in the physical sense because they can keep your loved one active. Whether they are tidying up for your arrival, cooking for you, or taking a walk with you when you visit, your frequent interaction keeps them moving.
How To Stay Involved
Don't put pressure on yourself by thinking that spending time with your loved one must be some spectacular or elaborate event. While it's nice to plan something special, such as an outdoor picnic, spending time in any fashion is great.
If it's your parent living in the facility, just think about when you used to stop by their house simply to have a cup of coffee in the morning. Even something as simple as this is good enough. Whether you visit once a day or twice a week, try to mimic the same visiting habits you had when your loved one was still in their home to create a sense of normalcy.
Keep Your Eyes Open
While visiting your loved one, it's also important to keep your eyes open. Always speak with your loved one about their health to see if they are having any new concerns. Sometimes your loved one might be more open with you than they will be with staff at the center, allowing you to promptly get them medical care.
You should also keep an eye out on their mental health. Does your loved seem to be sad, reserved, or more agitated than in the past? These signs could be an indication that your loved one isn't adjusting to the move smoothly and may need help.
It doesn't matter how healthy and independent your loved one is. Your involvement is priceless. For more information, contact an assisted living facility such as Cedar Village.