Learning About Home Health Care Techniques

Understanding Elderly Home Care Services For Resistant Family Members

by Karl Bryant

If you've recently retained the services of an elderly home care provider to help your aging loved one with daily tasks, you may find that your family member is resistant to the help. In fact, it's far more common than you think for older family members to refuse supportive care. Here's a look at some of the things that you need to know if you have a loved one who is refusing home care. 

Consider Your Family Member's Perspective

The first thing to think about, when you're dealing with a resistant loved one, is to take the time to understand the reasons for their resistance. Sometimes, it's hard for an aging individual to come to terms with their own limitations. This can lead to frustration and lashing out, often in the form of refusing assistance. Talk with your family member about the details and how they are feeling to help them resolve the situation and be more accepting of the support.

Preserve Your Loved One's Independence

The biggest challenge for many seniors is accepting the loss of independence that comes with needing support and in-home care. That's why it's important to focus on the things that your family member can still do. Make sure that any elderly home care professionals understand those tasks and leave them for your loved one to complete. The more of their independence that they can preserve, the better it will be for them.

Add In-Home Care Gradually

Sometimes, it's an easier transition if it happens gradually. Instead of a sudden shift to full-time home care, consider hiring someone who can come a few times a week at first, or even for an hour or two in the mornings. Then, you can increase their time gradually as your family member adjusts to the added support.

Give Your Family Member Options

One thing that's easy to lose sight of is the fact that elderly loved ones should have a say in their daily tasks and their life. Give them an opportunity to make the choices that matter to them. Let them choose what types of things they get support with or how that support occurs. Discuss their specific needs, preferences, and wants so that they have a say in their care.

These are some of the most important things to consider when you're looking for home care for your elderly family member. Talk with your loved one and reach out to a local elderly home care service for more information.
