24 April 2019
If you have some loved ones who are getting older, they may need medical assistance. Instead of putting them in a nursing home, though, you might consider in-home senior care. It comes with the following benefits that are certainly worth considering for your family. Added Comfort Although nursing homes are a normal option for families who want their loved ones cared for medically, they aren't always the most comfortable. Oftentimes, the best place to receive medical care is straight from home.
2 November 2018
If you're concerned about your safety in the shower, you should know that getting a bath stool could be one of the simplest decisions you can make, yet also one of the most powerful. Bath stools can prevent considerable injuries that could put you or your loved ones at risk. Here's why you need a bath stool right now. Number of Injuries People of all ages are at risk of falling in the shower, believe it or not.
11 April 2018
If you have a loved one that needs daily medical care and you want to care for them at home rather than moving them to a nursing facility, then at home nursing care might be the solution. Nurses can come to your home as often as needed to tend to your loved one's needs. The care might be from an RN or an LPN, which is different than home care that might be provided by a nursing assistant such as bathing and feeding.
3 January 2018
Many older people want to remain in their own homes as they age. Staying in the home can provide a sense of independence and comfort, but it can also place seniors at risk. Investing in senior care services provides your aging loved one with access to an aide who will assist with the completion of daily activities and help oversee the well-being of your loved one. Here are three reasons why you might want to consider investing in senior care services for your loved one in the future.
2 February 2017
When your parents start to age, it can be scary for them to live on their own when they cannot properly take care of themselves. There are many elderly parents who are still somewhat independent, but not able to live completely on their own. Fortunately, there are live-in caregivers available that can live with your parent to ensure that they still have their independence, but also get to be as safe as they can be at all times.
22 November 2016
For many families, an assisted living facility is the last resort. Loved ones have done everything in their power to keep the individual at home, but the need for greater resources and care has made living in these communities the better alternative. The care offered by professionals at these centers is vital to your loved one's health, but your interaction is equally important. Make sure you are staying involved. Why Is Family Involvement Important?
20 October 2016
Home health care can help your loved one stay in their home, instead of being forced into a skilled nursing facility. The process of bringing in a caregiver does require some research and a basic understanding of what you need as well as what is available. The following guide can help you better prepare for your search for the perfect care provider. What type of help is needed? Caregivers fall into different categories, and it's important that you hire the one that can perform all the necessary services.
30 September 2016
Did your life change after stoke complications caused one side of your body to become partially paralyzed? If you have been unable to take care of yourself as you once did, a home care nurse can come in handy as you recover from the stroke complications. A nurse can actually help you avoid suffering from another major stroke. Below, you will find helpful information in regards to the services that a home care nurse can provide for your situation.
30 September 2016
The challenges of getting older can be devastating for some people. There isn't any doubt that some individuals struggle more emotionally, physically, and financially with age than others. If you have an elderly loved one in your life that you may think needs help, you should monitor this individual closely. By knowing specific signs that indicate this person in your life could benefit from home health care, you can increase this person's quality of life.
22 September 2016
Are you trying to recover after having a bad stroke that left you partially paralyzed? If you are trying to recover in the fastest way possible, there are a few things that you should consider doing. You don't want to become inactive, as it can lead to your stroke complications becoming worse. Take a look at this article for some helpful tips in regards to stroke recovery. 1. Attend a Short-Term Rehabilitation Center